Can You finish 10 Cycles Of The "Strong Mind" Workout?

The challenge of the month is here - Anytime, anywhere, no equipment.

February 22, 2016
Can You finish 10 Cycles Of The "Strong Mind" Workout?

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Challenge of the month - for your abs, and your mind

The new challenge is here to test if you are ready to keep pushing, even when your body or mind want to quit.

To achieve any goal in life, you need a strong mind.

Strong mind is a challenge you can do any time, even if your body is tired from pushing and pulling. Or when you need to workout in silence while your neighbours are asleep.

Silent Abs Shocker

This challenge has 10 cycles to make you shock your abs. You need to feel the burn, so the pauses between exercises are as short as possible - just enough to change exercise positions.

Create and save this workout in your Madbarz Workout App. Unlimited saved workouts are included in the Madbarz Premium.

Share your result in the comment below!

If you can make more reps – go for it, but keep in mind that there will be a lot of cycles to endure.

P.S. Recommended breakfast for the next day - Egg and mushroom scramble to fill up on protein while staying low carb to reveal those abs faster.

Want more challenges? You can find them here:

The Muscle Burn Challenge

The YOLO One Cycle Workout Challenge

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  • Mahesh Kandpal 766 workouts (level 115)
    Loved this workout. Finished in 1hr 49 mins with 1141 points. Increased side plank to 40 seconds. Side plank was killing me. March 23, 2019
  • Luca Gandolfo 197 workouts (level 82)
    I did it in 1:18 with 976 points. Pretty good, and easier than it looks... August 06, 2018
  • Maxence Renaud 375 workouts (level 0)
    Did it! Good workout, a bit long and not enough intensity for my taste. The last 3 cycles are when you start to understand what you got into! Just do it! May 21, 2016
  • amunix 138 workouts (level 40)
    is it to build or burn muscle!!! April 06, 2016
  • dreamchaser778 112 workouts (level 31)
    Almost all of them are isometric exercises. Hmm..... yeah i like it March 23, 2016

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