This Ripped Guy Reveals How To Build Muscle With Vegan Foods

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January 22, 2016
This Ripped Guy Reveals How To Build Muscle With Vegan Foods

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Muscle growth requires a constant supply of essential nutrients that support the process of building muscle, the protein synthesis.

Without the right food, training can't and won't produce the desired results.

But eating the same „muscle foods“ (chicken, eggs...) is not only boring, it can also be counter-productive. Switch up your diet occasionally for better results.

Our guest author, vegan athlete Stephen H. Landers, shares his diet tips.

His physique is pretty convincing, so give this awesome foods a try and boost your muscle building. Here's what Stephen recommends:


Protein: 20 - 30g per one cup

Tofu is probably the most associated foods with veganism (usually to joke about!). You can find it anywhere, and it is full of protein. Firm tofu is usually more protein dense. If I eat tofu, I aim for a quality organic brand as most soy unfortunately contains gmo's.


Protein: up to 65g per 100g

A perfect meat substitute as it can be made to look, taste and even have the texture of steak or other meats. Great for people changing their diets and looking for something to replace meats. Not so great for people gluten intolerant people though as it's made primarily of wheat protein.

Red Lentils

Protein: 24g per 100g (uncooked)

High in fibre, cost effective and versatile. The best way to prepare? I soak 1.5 kg of different beans and legumes (lentils, chick pea...) over night, rinse them thoroughly then add a lot of chopped leeks, grated carrots and some veg stock. It makes 15 good size portions (ok, massive) and each has 40g protein, 130g carbs (starchy) and 4g fat.

Hemp Seeds (or protein powder)

Protein: 22g per 100g

The only food known to have a perfect harmony of the essential fatty acids the Omega 3, 6 & 9. I carry hemp protein when I'm travelling to ensure I'm never missing out on my protein intake. It's perfect for making shakes (1-2 tablespoons of hemp powder with a milk alternative).


Protein: 8g per 100g

Some say this is a grain, some say a seed. Either way its considered a complete protein, meaning it's got all 9 essential amino acids your body needs. This is the most important quality for any protein source, even if the amount of protein per 100g is not huge. It can be placed in just about any meal. Mix in your oats or even try making porridge with JUST quinoa and a little dried fruit. Works as a nutritious alternative to rice and pasta, too.

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Spirulina and/or Chlorella. The names sound like a disease but actually it's the pure essence of health. Add a teaspoon to any meal of your choice and get a ton of vitamins and a perfect supply of healthy fatty acids. Known for it’s rapid tissue repair properties, I add mine to shakes or juices to help speed up recovery times.


Protein: 21g per 100g

High in vitamin E, almost as much calcium as a glass of milk and more magnesium than most nuts. It's really simple to make your own almond milk at home (a good alternative because most of the pre-packed almond milk has added sugar in it).


Protein: 12g per 100g

The low glycemic index makes it a carb source that won't spike you blood sugar levels and will provide long lasting energy. It is a great source of fiber, too. Tastes great and provides even more protein when combined with any milk alternative (rice, soy, almond milk). I add a teaspoon of 'super energy' (lacuma, baobab, maca and guarana) and a chopped banana. Sets me up for the whole day.

If you guys like this article, tell Madbarz in the comments below and I'll be happy to share some recipes regularly.

About the author

Stephen Hughes Landers is 'is now based in Dubai with @fortiusdubai between presenting, instructing, performing and competing globally. Full details on Stephens 2016 movements and plans are on his Facebook page. Check out his Instagram @iambarstarzz

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  • Jake Arnett 8 workouts (level 5)
    I would love to see some more recipes posted! Excellent article! Looking to go vegan while practicing primarily calisthenics and compound lifts. Thanks for the article! Good work! February 18, 2017
  • nnn79 302 workouts (level 56)
    Oatmeal with banana in low-fat milk! NOMNOMNOM :-) July 20, 2016
  • Aakash 422 workouts (level 115)
    Feel good now because I am a vegan. February 19, 2016
  • ebbe247 558 workouts (level 105)
    Yesterday tried to cook Tofu with some salad, it was great and full of protein...will be from now on implemented in my nutrition plan. Thanks for the article. February 05, 2016
  • Samuel 1.252 workouts (level 143)
    What Hemp Protein do you take? January 29, 2016

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