Which is better – street workout or gym?

So street workout or gym? Well this has been an ongoing debate and we've figured we might compare these two, so here it goes!
What are the benefits of street workout/calisthenics?
As you've guessed, there are many:
- First and foremost – it's completely free! You don't need to pay the gym membership
- You don't need equipment; maybe just a few bars in the park, your own body will be your weight ;)
- You can do it anytime and anywhere
- You can be creative, you are not tied by basic exercises like you are in the gym
- You have complete freedom – train in the park, on the streets, in your home, anywhere, anytime and do it while hanging out with your friends
- There are no rules
What are the benefits of gym workout?
Gym also has its plus sides:
- Gym is good for training during cold seasons if the cold weather bothers you
- Paying for something might keep some people dedicated and motivated – “I'm already paying for it, I might as well use it.“
- Gyms have group exercise classes which may be the motivation you need to stay active
- It’s good for beginners since you have personal trainers that may be available to construct a program suited for you
- You can take a shower in the gym ;)
When all these points are compared, we guess it comes down to your own preferences and needs.
Regardless of your preferences you can use the Madbarz workout app for iOS and Android anywhere you want and anytime you want!
The gym might be fine if you don’t know where to start but street workout is definitely more accessible, fun, it’s free and you have the freedom to do what you want!
So what do you think?
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