Tom’s story: Make a choice to be healthy!
Tom is on the mere beginning of his Madbarz journey, but he can already be an inspiration to all Madbarz community.

Those who have been following Madbarz for some time, know that Madbarz rarely promises fast results. Achieving a muscular and ripped body takes time, dedication, and hard work.
However, every now and then, one member of the Madbarz community amazes us and shows us that, if you are mad enough, everything is possible.
Meet Tom, a busy dad of two and a full-time Clinical-Lead Physiotherapist who, after a hard period of his life, decided he will be healthy. And he did it, with Madbarz.
How Tom got hooked on Madbarz
Tom’s backstory is not an easy one, but he is grateful he has it.
I’m fortunate that I have a backstory: I was previously paralyzed due to a rare neurological condition – so, all I have to do is remember the times when I couldn’t walk, or even move. Each day is a gift. Each step is a gift. Life is a gift.
Although Tom has a rich journey behind him, he is at the mere beginning of his Madbarz journey. He achieved the transformation you are looking at after only 21 days of exercising with Madbarz. But how it all started? Well, a colleague suggested Tom should try the Madbarz app, and he got hooked. As simple as that.
As for the goal he had in mind, Tom says: My main goal was to shift visceral-fat and put on some lean muscle. I’m almost 40, so I really wanted to move away from the stereotype of the “dad-bod”. And, to be fair, I made the choice that I don’t want to be a 40-year-old who worries about his health – I made a choice to be healthy!
After just 21 days, Tom lost 3.5 kg (about 7.5 pounds) and put on some significant lean muscle, while also dropping the full point on the visceral fat scale.
Madbarz has helped me to smash my goal. Now I want to push on and continue to put on lean muscle and tone – and, of course, keep the visceral fat off.
Tom, in a wheelchair, 1997: Everything in life has a starting point
Although Tom’s transformation is an incredible example of what you can achieve in a short period of time, he encourages others to stay realistic with their goals:
Start with realistic goals. Just remember that everything in life had, or has, a start-point. Madbarz literally has something for everyone – but the real beauty is the opportunity to progress within the app, regardless of your level of fitness!
Tom gives us a simple example every beginner can use: set your goal to be a 10 minute HIIT Madbarz workout, three times a week. Once you have achieved that goal, set a higher (but still achievable) one. This way, you will progress, but won’t be discouraged by not reaching your goal as fast as you wanted.
Of course, to reach any goal, you need the right tool, and Tom found just the thing for that:
You can achieve whatever you want to with the Madbarz app. The app blows excuses out of the water! No time? – Pick a short HIIT workout. No gym access? – Choose one of the many no-equipment routines!
Madbarz: a personal trainer in my pocket
Madbarz was a significant part of Tom’s journey: it made his weekly workout routine much more simple.
Everything I need to succeed is on hand – wherever I am. No gym subscription needed, no equipment – just Madbarz and me!
And, of course, the Madbarz community played a significant role as well. Tom states that, for him, Madbarz is a place where like-minded people come together to achieve a common goal. He says:
It’s also a support network, and a motivating tool to keep you on track and smash your goals!
But, the app is the one that made the most impact on Toms exercising. He states that the format of the app was the game-changer for him.
It’s given me the drive and focus – and it made sure that, if I was low on motivation, I knew that I could drop into an easier workout and see where things went from there. It’s a personal trainer in my pocket! The format, for me, cuts to the chase. There’s no bloatedness about it – just download and go!!!
His experience with Madbarz pushed Tom to help others to transform themselves. He is targeting a body type he calls Dad-Bod (daddy body) and describes as the stereotypical demographic who falls into the trap of thinking it’s ok to let yourself go. Well, Tom, his wife, and a close friend all think otherwise. That is the reason they have started Holistic Imperium - The Wellness Specialist, a project designed to help modern people stay fit and healthy.
Tom’s top picks & tricks
For the rest of the Madbarz community, Tom picked some of his favorite exercises he includes in his routine regularly:
Push ups
Mountain climbers
Although Tom went through most of the Madbarz workouts, his all-time favorite is Full Body Jackpot. As for the workout schedule, Tom works out 4-5 times a week, and he alternates muscle groups in focus to ensure each has time for repairing and bulking.
Tom’s nutrition game-changer was pretty simple:
Protein snacks every 3 hours really did the business for me. Chicken, tuna, cottage cheese, quark, protein bars – all winners!
The first step you need to take is to choose to be healthy. Tom took that step, set realistic goals, and didn’t look back. His achievements speak for themselves, and we are sure this is only the beginning of a new, healthier, and more ripped lifestyle Tom is building for himself.
Did you achieve transformation with Madbarz? Let us know your experience in the comments!
P.s. Feel free to contact us on if you would like to share your transformation story with us.
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