Karl’s success story: more than just a fitness app
Meet Karl, a man who decided to change his life in the best way possible, with a little help from the incredible Madbarz community.

If you have ever tried dieting, weather for muscle building or for weight loss, you know how hard it can be to track all the macronutrients and calories. Plus, eating on a certain diet plan demands you to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, and even though it can be a lot of fun, too much is still too much. So, we have created 5 easy to make healthy snacks, to minimize your time spent in the kitchen an make your life simpler. Plus, macros are already calculated - you are welcome!
Don’t forget, you don’t need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen to make a muscle building breakfast! Check these great One day, Karl woke up and realized he needs to change his way of life if he wants to be able to play with his baby son for years to come. Packed with determination and the best motivation father can have, he started his incredible Madbarz journey. Today, Karl is fit and can keep up the pace with a toddler (and that is something!), so he is sharing his story to serve as motivation for the entire Madbarz community.
Time for change
For the last 10 year of his life, Karl has been focusing on his education, working full time, and studying part-time. He achieved tremendous results, getting his masters degree in minimum time, but soon he started noticing side-effects of stress. Due to lack of time and stress, he ate a lot of junk food and sweets. After a while, he weighed 104 kg and was physically no longer fit.
However, in January 2018, his life changed.
‘’In January 2018, my son was born, and from that point on I changed my way of thinking. I know I needed to change my life, or I'll never be able to run after him properly. That was the beginning of my transformation with Madbarz.’’
I didn’t choose Madbarz, Madbarz chose me
Workouts and workout plans in Madbarz are created in a way to waste as little of your free time as possible and still provide you with desired results. This was a crucial factor for Karl, who wanted to spend time with his family and still become fit and healthy.
‘’I was looking for a fitness app that could offer me everything. The idea was getting fit with minimum waste of time waste. I did not want to waste time by driving to a gym because I wanted to spend maximum time with my family too. I tried a few different apps and then finally stayed with Madbarz.’’
Karl emphasizes that Madbarz was a big part of his journey. Fitting perfectly for his needs, he felt as if it was created just for him. When asked why he chose Madbarz, he answered:
‘’I do not think I choose Madbarz, but Madbarz chose me. It was one of the first apps I tried and actually stayed with it.’’
The thing Karl likes the most about Madbarz is workout creator. A huge exercise library gives you endless options for creating your workouts. With Madbarz Premium, you also gain an unlimited space for saving your workouts.
‘’The app is so easy to use, and it offers a lot of exercises. I like the opportunity to create individual workouts so easily. The app is intuitive and has a great exercise library.’’
Most of the time, Karl uses workouts he creates himself in workout creator, and his favorite workouts are:
Push ups (Madbarz community all time favorite)
Pull ups
However, he is no stranger to Madbarz workouts. He recommends ‘’Fat removal’’ as his favorite Madbarz workout, for those days when you just don’t have time to create your own workout.
Karl’s advice: set little goals to lead you to your big goal
Karls knows very well how hard it is to stay motivated at the beginning, but he has found a way around. The advice he would give to someone who’s just starting out is:
‘’Set a big, long-term goal. Then divide it into small goals. It’s easier to achieve a big goal if you have small moments of success.’’
Karl’s big goal was to lose 20 kg in a period of one year. However, to keep himself motivated, he divided it into little goals such as lose 1 kg in the following week, eat no sweets for a week or learn how to cook healthy food. Of course, just setting little goals will not make your journey easy, but don’t give up.
‘’Don’t give up. At the beginning of the transformation, it will be extremely hard. Change of the diet, pain after exercise... you will come to the idea of simply giving up. One thing I can tell you, reaching your goal is an indescribable feeling. So, keep going and do not think about giving up.’’
In 2019 he reached his goal and was even a little bit beyond. Now, he focuses on the next goals: achieve less body fat percentage and advance more in calisthenics. To reach them, he is putting up work. While in the beginning, he worked out 3-4 times a week, now he works out 5-6 times a week.
Achieving little goals will help you see all the progress you have made so far, and that will give you the motivation to fight for one more day, to reach another limit. After some time, you will be addicted to that fight, and is there a better thing to be addicted to than healthy living?
As for the nutrition part, it’s all simple to Karl:
‘’Learn to cook healthy and don’t eat junk food. Then build up a moderate calorie deficit. It was basically easy.’’
With Madbarz Nutrition guide, as part of Madbarz Premium, eating healthy can really be that simple. Not only it gives you access to 65+ healthy recipes, but also comes with two sets of nutrition guidelines, depending on whether your goal is to lose fat or build muscle. And if you want to know more, check out Nutrition section of Madbarz blog!
Madbarz community: more than just a fitness app
Members of Madbarz community are always there for each other. Incredible support and mutual motivation are incomparable to any other community in the world of fitness apps. For Karl, this was one of the crucial parts of his journey:
‘’Madbarz is more than just a fitness app for me. It has a really nice community with really great athletes and personalities. It's nice to compete with other athletes and be a part of this community. Madbarz was definitely a big part of achieving my goals.‘’
Karl wished to use this opportunity to thank Madbarz athletes who were a great inspiration on his journey, and those are:
José Pereira (Madbarz app: José Pereira, Instagram @jrcp.z)
Krismaan (Madbarz app: Krismaan, Instagram @krismaaan77)
Marcelo Ribeiro de Azeredo (Madbarz app: marcelomad10, Instagram @marcelo.deazeredo)
Suzu (Madbarz app: Suzu, Instagram @suzuwiz)
Eva Inouk (Madbarz app: Eva Inouk, Instagram @eve.moves)
The Madbarz team would like to thank entire Madbarz community. You are the reason we do what we do, and there is nothing better than to see Madbarz apps helps you become fit and healthy.
If you would like to be a part of this incredible community, make sure to follow Madbarz on Instagram. There you can find weekly challenges, ask our coach all the things you’d like to know about the fitness or participate in weekly fitness trivia. Be the first one to find out what is new in Madbarz.
Are you afraid to take the first step?
Don’t be. Madbarz will lead you through your journey. Madbarz Premium offers you a variety of workout plans tailored specifically for your fitness level and your goals. Workout plans are created by professionals and lasting between 2 and 12 weeks. They are an excellent choice for someone who is just starting, as well as for someone who wants to create consistency in their workout routine. Nutrition guide, packed with 65+ healthy recipes and nutrition guidelines, will help you eat healthily and reach your goals sooner.
And if you ever lack your motivation, Madbarz community is here for you.
Are you interested in more Madbarz success stories? Check them out in Success Stories section of Madbarz blog!
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