Top 5 Tips To Gain More Muscle
What can you do differently to maximize the muscle growth?

Building muscle is a pretty tough job. Yes, you get to eat a lot, you gain strength, but there is also that part of slow progressing and being patient.
In the Bulking Games, there is only one goal: to get bigger. Today we are sharing 5 tips that will lead to a win!
1. Eat like a beast, train like a beast
A lot of people think that bulking equals eating as much as you can and training hard. In reality, if you want to put on some serious mass, not just fat gains, you need to have a plan and stick to it.
Calculate your caloric needs for the day, start with around 300 calorie surplus.
Researches show that protein needs increase when athletes restrict calories or have low body fat.
Your protein intake should be around 1.7-2.2 g/kg (0.7-0.9 g per pound) of your body mass, according to the research from 2017. Of course, your protein goal always depends on your fitness level and the amount of muscle you already have.
Eat most of your carbs around your workouts, leave the fats for the evening when you are less active. And eat your proteins at every meal.
Find a workout plan that suits your needs and goals.
And even when it seems that it’s not working, keep going. Gaining muscle is a slow process and you should be patient (and work your ass off).
Train when you don’t want to, eat when you think you can’t. Nobody said this was going to be easy, but it’ll be worth it.
2. Challenge yourself
Sometimes we forget that building muscle requires breaking muscle tissue. You can’t break muscle tissue with the same old routine you’ve been doing for the last few months.
Do more, be more, each training session give a bit MORE.
Try a harder progression of an exercise, do it until failure, then switch up to the easier variation and go to failure again. Let it burn!
One extra rep today means more reps in a month. That means more strength, more muscle.
Keep going and keep pushing, every athlete you admire has done exactly that.
3. Hocus, Pocus - FOCUS
Oh, the mind-muscle connection. So many people talk about it, but it gets so neglected. When you see a person working out with a blank stare on their face, you know they’re not serious.
You need to think about the muscle you are working on. If you are doing the chin-ups, focus on that bicep, squeeze it to the max, feel the blood flowing, feel the burn.
When you focus on squeezing the targeted muscles while doing an exercise, you will notice a couple things:
You will “feel” the exercise a lot more
You will likely reach your maximum number of reps (muscle failure) faster because you are creating more tension in your body, which means shorter and more effective workouts.
Additional tip: Flex daily. This way, you will learn to feel your muscles better, you will know which movement activates each muscle. Flexing will improve your mind-muscle connection, and make you more aware of your body.
4. Leaner is meaner
Researchers have proved that the leaner you are, the more muscle you’re likely to gain.
The scientists from the University of Illinois found that the healthy-weight individuals experienced a higher boost in muscle protein synthesis (stimulating amino acids through muscle protein synthesis to repair the damage) than overweight and obese individuals.
What does that mean?
Leaner people tend to be more anabolic. If you are already lean, it might be a good time to start a muscle-gaining program, because your body will respond very well to the new anabolic environment.
If you are not shredded, it is advised you lose some fat tissue before going into a bulk. It is not a rule, but merely a suggestion that will help you pack more serious amount of muscle mass.
5. Stress less = success
Today’s most dangerous enemy to your health is stress. Stress causes your body to release cortisol, a “stress hormone” that is catabolic in its nature. “Catabolic” means that your body starts to break muscle tissue for energy, and that is not good.
If it increases during a workout, and then decreases , it’s not a problem. The problem comes when your cortisol levels stay high for a longer period of time.
Less stress equals success, but how can you reduce your level of stress if you have
What you need to do is relax. Yes, that sounds so simple. Too simple, but it’s true. Take some time in your day to just plug off - turn off your TV and internet, read a book, or spend time with your family. Give yourself time to just lay down and enjoy your life.
Research has shown that yoga reduces cortisol levels, so that might be a great option as well.
In addition, maybe try drinking tea, eating yogurt and supplementing with fish oil. All of these have shown to reduce cortisol level.
You can grow a lot of muscle with bodyweight workouts, you just need to invest your time and energy. If you need help with your nutrition, you can get Madbarz Premium, which has a Nutrition Guide with recipes and guidelines. You will get recommended serving sizes that you can calculate using only the palm of your hand. The number of servings can be adjusted so that you never feel hungry!
Do you have any additional tips? Write them down below!
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