You don’t have the time to workout today? Great, that means this workout is perfect for you.
But you have to know, it is not going to be easy just because it’s a short workout. We have to make the most out of these 12 minutes, and we will.
Quick workouts can actually be beneficial. The sense of accomplishment after succeeding to squeeze in a workout when the day looks like absolute madness is actually quite motivating. If you do it before work, you will be more awake because the hormones of happiness are being released.
That is some Clark Kent tactics (who doesn’t like to feel like the Superman?).
The researches often show that short bursts of high intensity workouts can be more efficient than a 45 minute low intensity session. Short workouts improve cardiovascular endurance and boost healthy hormones.
You can do this workout on its own, when you don’t have the time, or at the end of some other Madbarz workout from the app, to make a brutal finish of your workout session. This workout is entirely bodyweight, so you won’t be needing any equipment to do it.
Do each exercise for 1 minute and then rest for 20-30 seconds after each exercise. You will do total of 2 rounds with 20-30 seconds rest after the round.
Of course, if you have the time and the power, do more rounds.
Do as many reps as you can in one minute. If you can beat the 30 reps goal, that is pretty awesome.
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