Pull Up Workout Challenge
Test yourself and see what's the next step to level up your back strength!

Challenges make the best workouts. Why?
Because with each challenge you:
- Push harder than you normally would
- Test yourself to see how you progress
- See where you stand against others
This quick challenge is meant for developing, and testing, your back and arm muscles.
What’s the challenge
The challenge is about:
How many Pull Ups can you do in 10 sets?
But…there are two rules.
Scroll down to see the rules, or check the short video summary.
- 1 min rest - You are allowed to rest for 1 minute only between sets
- Strict form - Chin over the bar, no kipping.
For more info check out Check out Pull Ups VS Chin Ups.
In total, how many Pull Ups did you do in 10 sets?
1-10 = Got any back? You know what you have to work on :)
10-30 = Learner: Get a better training plan!
30-50 = Master's Candidate: Keep doing what you're doing. You'll master it soon.
50-70 = Serious Challenger: Start working on a Muscle Up! Get the Muscle up tutorial. Or start the Muscle Up Training plan in the Madbarz Premium.
70 + = Gorilla: Congratulations, but don't forget to train your legs, too ;)
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